04 mar
World Visión Perú
Usaid Development Assistance Specialist-senior
DUTIES: The Development Assistance Specialist is the Mission’s Senior Inclusive Development Advisor and resource person on matters related to integrating the principles of inclusive development and principles of diversity, equity, inclusion and access (DEIA) into all of USAID/Peru-managed development activities and operations. Inclusive development includes, but is not limited to, the consideration and/or integration within development activities of: gender, persons with disabilities (PWD), lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and intersex persons (LGBTI), and ethnic and religious minorities. As such, the Specialist serves as the Mission’s Gender Advisor,
the Mission’s chief POC for matters related to addressing the challenges facing PWD, LGBTI, and ethnic and religious minorities, supervises the Mission's specialist dedicated to advocating for the involvement and engagement of Indigenous Peoples, and leads the Mission’s Inclusive Development Working Group. As the Mission’s recognized inclusive development professional, the Specialist is the Mission’s chief research specialist on inclusive development matters and provides strategy and implementation support and professional technical assistance to successfully integrate gender, PWD, LGBTI, and other inclusive development principles throughout the design, implementation, and evaluation of USAID/Peru’s activities and those of interested USAID client missions in South America. Regional services provided by the Specialist may include providing advice and mentoring, support for the CDCS strategy development process, participation and review of new project designs, and participation in evaluations and TECs.
The Specialist also works strategically to develop the capacity and skills of USAID/Peru and its client missions’ staff and key partners in inclusive development programming. The Specialist serves as the Mission's principal inclusive development liaison with donor partners and facilitates the Mission's engagement and ability to influence donors, as well as high-level officials of the region’s host governments on policy issues. In this capacity, the Specialist enhances aid effectiveness with regard to inclusive development, gender equality, women’s empowerment, and the rights of PWD, LGBTI, and ethnic and religious minorities across the region. The Specialist will also lead efforts of technical skill and capacity development, learning, and networking for the regional architecture of gender advisors, LGBTI and PWD points of contact, and other inclusive development specialists throughout South America.
The Specialist will guide Mission leadership and staff in implementing USAID’s mandate that all programs promote inclusive development and gender equity, and advise leadership of South America Missions and Washington colleagues. As a key member of all activity design teams, the Specialist will be the senior technical voice for ensuring that gender and broader inclusive development constraints and opportunities are identified, considered and strategically addressed in the design and development of all USAID-funded activities. The Specialist will also work to develop USAID/Peru staff competencies, Mission systems, and programming as a model for other USAID offices across the region. As the supervisor of the Mission’s Indigenous Peoples Advisor,
the Specialist will provide mentorship and guidance on research methodologies and best practices on inclusive development approaches and methods. The Senior Inclusive Development Specialist reports to the Regional Program Office Director or their designee.
EXPERIENCE: A minimum of seven (7) years of professional experience in working with inclusive development, including gender, women, LGBTI, ethnic/religious, and/or PWD-related issues in either the public, private or academic sectors is required.
EDUCATION: Minimum of a Master’s degree in law, social science, humanities, liberal arts, journalism or related field is required.
SALARY: S/.239,325.00 per year
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