Lead Regional Technical Specialist (Markets and Value Chains) (Re-advertisement) - [N875]

Lead Regional Technical Specialist (Markets and Value Chains) (Re-advertisement) - [N875]

08 mar
International Fund for Agricultural Development

08 mar

International Fund for Agricultural Development


Key Functions and Results

1. POLICY AND STRATEGY ADVICE AND DEVELOPMENT : The Lead Technical Specialist, provides technically authoritative advice informed by empirical evidence to improve the capacity of IFAD to position itself as an influential global player in agricultural and rural development. S / he ensures that IFAD is regarded as a trusted and valued partner of national governments and farmers’ organizations in policy dialogues and fora. Accountabilities may include, but are not limited to :

a) Providing IFAD staff and partners with up-to-date,

evidence-based advice on relevant investment and policy interventions related to rural institution development strengthening and empowerment to promote inclusive and sustainable food system transformation, value chain development, collaboration with the private sector, and rural market creation and development, among others;

b) Providing evidence-informed recommendations to IFAD management on IFAD's rural development agenda using a wide range of data sources and analytical tools;

c) Providing substantive support to IFAD senior management participation in high-level fora with policy implications for Rural Institutions and rural transformation, including proposing agenda topics, identifying participants, and preparing documents and presentations;

d) Leading the preparation of technical products (e.g. complex papers, analysis, substantive sections of reports and studies) to advance IFAD’s voice in the global debate on rural transformation, rural institution empowerment, and strengthening of their role in promoting inclusive and sustainable food system transformation, greater and better collaboration with the private sector, and rural market creation and development, among others, in close collaboration within PMD and other SKD divisions.


KNOWLEDGE ADVISORY LEADERSHIP : The Lead Technical Specialist, leads and contributes to the development of viable and sustainable policies, and supports regional and global thematic input through authoritative technical knowledge sharing for her / his area of specialization. S / he ensures access to the latest sources of knowledge and innovation, strengthens technical capacity, and establishes new knowledge and advisory partnerships on how rural institutions should be leveraged, empowered and strengthened to promote change in the rural economies and food systems in which they operate, as well as strengthens partnerships with the private sector. Accountabilities may include, but are not limited to :


Leading processes related to intelligence gathering and analysis of debates relevant to inclusive and sustainable rural transformation in the global debate, and facilitating knowledge sharing and experiences in this area within SKD, IFAD, and other stakeholders in the global arena;

b) Coordinating relevant knowledge development and dissemination with institutions outside IFAD, within the region concerned, and national institutions, disseminating knowledge and lessons learned with external partners and stakeholders through publication of Occasional Papers, journal articles, seminars and workshops, through electronic media, and the development of new knowledge products and operational tools that are informed by learning from the field;

c) Participating in IFAD-wide thematic discussions and developing appropriate technical and operational approaches of relevance to country / divisional strategies and programmes;


Planning and leading learning events to strengthen IFAD’s knowledge and capacity to engage in global debates with policy implications for rural transformation.

3. PARTNERSHIP BUILDING AND OUTREACH ACTIVITIES : The Lead Technical Specialist, develops and maintains a network of strategic partnerships to help advance IFAD's mandate and messages around inclusive and sustainable rural transformation in the global debate. S / he develops peer contacts inside and outside IFAD to develop new products and services, keep up-to-date on activities at country and regional levels, support joint advocacy, and share knowledge to enhance the Fund’s profile as a highly competent and reliable partner in development. Accountabilities may include, but are not limited to :

a) Building partnerships with farmers’ and producers’ organizations, centers of excellence, complementary technical organizations,

and specialized departments of other development agencies as strategic partner;

b) Promoting greater partnerships between farmers’ and producers’ organizations, and private sector and other value chain actors, including with micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in rural systems;

c) Strengthening IFAD’s representation and communication in policy processes (including representing IFAD at international, regional, and inter-agency meetings, seminars and conferences);

d) Generating new resources for IFAD through partnerships and outreach activities;

e) Identifying major opportunities, as well as serving as focal point, for strategic collaboration with centers of excellence, complementary technical organizations, private sector, MSMEs, and specialized departments of other development agencies as strategic partners;


Leading wider IFAD and Rome-based discussions on the development of sustainable and inclusive approaches to rural transformation as requested.

4. MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REPORTING : The Lead Technical Specialist, supports the Director, PMI in monitoring and corporate reporting activities to enhance knowledge creation, country-level programmes, and funding decisions. Accountabilities may include, but are not limited to :

a) Supporting the Director and Cluster technical leads in setting up systems to monitor the use of research output and knowledge products; and

b) Advising on all aspects of the planning and reporting associated with research and impact assessments as well as donor reporting in the case of supplementary funding.


The Lead Regional Technical Specialist- Markets and Value Chains is accountable for integrity, transparency, and equity in the management of IFAD resources. Accountabilities may include, but are not limited to :

a) Contributing to the supervision of key divisional programme activities, including key missions and other initiatives, leading and directing a team of staff, overseeing research and impact assessment activities, planning and allocating work assignments, coaching, mentoring and evaluating staff, and participating in recruitment, selection and training of new staff and in the development of training programmes;

b) Contributing to the personnel and financial management of the work unit, including the development and implementation of work plans and budgets.

Position specifics :

6. TECHNICAL ADVICE TO COUNTRY PROGRAMMES : Based on a planning exercise,

and working in close collaboration with the CDs and CPOs, technical experts from PMI and ECG, the Lead Regional Technical Specialist- Markets and Value Chains provides technical advice to selected country programmes primarily in the LAC region in the area of markets and value chains, with specific emphasis on improving the access of small producers and other IFAD target groups (e.g. rural women, youth, indigenous peoples) to markets, supporting the development or upgrading of pro-poor and inclusive agricultural / food value chains, building stronger partnerships with private sector actors notably through the Public Private Producer Partnership (4P) model and leveraging on digital technology to promote pro-poor value chain development and improved access to markets.

Through participation in project teams and missions, s / he provides technical leadership and advice in markets and value chain development as part of rural development approaches for the preparation of project design reports and supporting documents / annexes as well as in project implementation support preparing project supervision reports with concrete guidance and actions to improve project delivery and achievement of impacts. S / he serves as a member of Project Design Teams (PDTs) as the Project Technical Lead (PTL) for selected projects that require inputs on markets and value chain development. As PTL, s / he co-leads the project design and implementation support with the CD and s / he is responsible for the technical quality of the assigned project design across all thematic areas. This includes : drafting terms of reference for technical team members (incl. consultants); selecting and providing over-sight of qualified technical consultants; facilitating technical inputs from other IFAD staff and / or others (i.e. centers of excellence, research institutions); ensuring the technical quality of the project design report; participating in and / or leading selected design missions; ensuring that comments provided through corporate quality assurance processes are adequately addressed; participating in or leading supervision and implementation support missions; organizing and / or contributing to training and / or capacity building activities of project partners as needed; and providing technical inputs to project completion reports. S / he also provides technical support in markets and value chains development for selected ongoing projects, for which she may not be a member of the PDT requiring implementation support with particular challenges linked to markets and value chain development (e.g. projects-at-risk).

S / he will provide technical support and propose new and / or effective approaches, practices and technologies that allow small-scale producers and rural communities to improve their access to markets and benefit from more inclusive and sustainable value chains. Gender equality, social inclusion and opportunities for youth will be considered as crosscutting priorities as well as the use of ICT4D solutions. Particular emphasis will be on : strengthening institutional, business and financial capacities of small farmers and their organizations to access markets, negotiate better prices and conditions with other market players, and improve their returns from market / value chain participation; making value chains more pro-poor and inclusive by analyzing and mapping value chains and addressing targeting and governance issues; supporting climate-resilient and nutrition-sensitive value chains when relevant; brokering partnerships with private sector actors (including public-private producer partnerships (4Ps) and attracting private investments in the value chain that result in win-win solutions for all parties); collaborating with other experts in PMI to identify and support the development of appropriate instruments and technologies related to markets and value chains such as value chain finance instruments, ICT4D applications, non-sovereign private sector operations; etc.; and use and apply IFAD’s pro-poor value chain development guidelines and other IFAD related technical tools and guides to support design and implementation of value chain projects.

7. POLICY ENGAGEMENT AND PARTNERSHIPS : The Lead Regional Technical Specialist- Markets and Value Chains develops and maintains a network of peer contacts and and partners outside IFAD notably in LAC to keep abreast of recent developments and trends and facilitate brokering of partnerships in the LAC region. S / he will follow-up on existing and new partnership discussions with other UN agencies, research institutions, NGOs, private sector funds, etc. interested in working with IFAD in pro-poor markets and value chains development and in building 4Ps.

Working closely with CDs, CPOs, relevant Specialists, and the regional economist, s / he contributes to the development of relevant technical policies and strategies linked to pro-poor markets and value chains development in LAC. S / he also represents IFAD in technical policy fora that are of relevance in the area of technical expertise, and develops and maintains strategic technical partnerships with organizations, centers of excellence, research institutions and thematic platforms that are relevant for IFAD.

8. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT : The Lead Regional Technical Specialist- Markets and Value Chains serves as a champion for knowledge management focusing on markets and value chains in the LAC region. This includes systematizing and disseminating knowledge, good practices and innovations generated through loans and grants or non-sovereign operations across the globe, through specific knowledge products, toolkits, guidelines and learning events.

The Lead Regional Technical Specialist – Markets and Value Chains in collaboration with CDs, CPOs and other technical staff may propose ideas for grant projects addressing gaps and needs mainly in the LAC portfolio for improved markets and value chain development. This include proposals for testing and or upscaling innovative approaches and technologies that are relevant to markets and value chains development. S / he contributes or takes the lead on developing the competitive process for selecting a grantee and develop the grant document for approval, supervise and support the implementation of the grant including reviewing and approving annual work plans and budgets, project progress reports and fund withdrawal applications. S / he contribute to the preparation of knowledge products based on the grants and organizes learning events for their disseminations.

9. MANAGERIAL FUNCTIONS. The Lead Regional Technical Specialist- Markets and Value Chains may supervise other more junior professional staff, general service staff assigned to him / her, as well as consultants hired to deliver specific activities and / or outputs. S / He will be coordinating the PMI team in the LAC region and works collaboratively with other PMI regionally mapped to LAC and global technical specialists, Country Directors (CDs) and other SKD thematic Technical Specialists ensuring consistency, cohesion and synergy in the application of technical advice and provision of programme development support, facilitating knowledge flows, building communities of practice and providing technical support to regional divisions and IFAD Senior Management.

Key Performance Indicators

Assignments require the provision of authoritative professional expertise and technical leadership at global, regional and national levels on rural institutions issues. Lead Global Technical Specialists define, propose, revise and / or develop programmes or policies for the Fund, as well as represent the position of IFAD in national, regional and global fora and conferences. Innovation is required in the adaptation and development of approaches and methods to evolving technical and programmatic contexts.

Work at this level is considered substantially complex and of critical concern to the Fund. In particular, analytical and advisory work requires in-depth identification and consideration of a full range of factors relevant to the examination and discussion of programme problems and policies in the solution of methodological problems or in the formulation of policy proposals and project recommendations.

Position specifics :

Work at this level, is normally not reviewed for technical accuracy. Lead Regional Technical Specialist- Markets and Value Chains thus exercise independence and initiative in assessing needs and advising governments when on field mission. Decisions are made on the research or analytical strategies to be followed in resolving problems of concern in the technical area. Established methods and procedures are adapted as necessary in order to achieve desired results.

Working Relationships

The work relationships of Lead Technical Specialists involves the provision of authoritative technical advice for policy, programme and strategy development, resource mobilization,and the negotiation and resolution of problems that arise in mission planning, technical project appraisal or the preparation of studies and reports. S / He typically serves as the Fund’s senior technical advisor in the field of specialization and exercises wide professional latitude in contacts in her / his field(s), providing technical leadership and methodological guidance to management, Regional Directors / CDs / Heads MCO, national governments, development partners and other country programme staff in the technical area of specialization.

Position specifics :

The work relationships of Lead Regional Technical Specialists- Markets and Value Chains involve the provision of authoritative technical advice and the negotiation and resolution of problems that arise in technical project design and appraisal, supervision / implementation support and in the preparation of studies and reports. S / he serves as an expert in the field of markets and value chains dvelopment and works with full technical independence in the provision of technical expertise and methodological guidance at the country level, as well as regionally as required. Contacts are with counterparts and senior officials within other United Nations organizations having related programmes and with officials of governments, non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations, research institutes and academia.

Job Profile Requirements

Organizational Competencies :

Level 2 :

- Building relationships and partnerships - Builds and maintains strategic partnerships internally and externally
- Communicating and negotiating - Acquires & uses a wide range of communication styles & skills
- Demonstrating leadership - Leads by example; initiates and supports change
- Focusing on clients - Contributes to a clientfocused culture
- Learning, sharing knowledge and innovating - Challenges, innovates&contributes; to learning culture
- Managing performance and developing staff - Manages wider teams with greater impact on others and on the organization
- Managing time, resources and information - Coordinates wider use of time, information and / or resources
- Problem-solving and decision-making - Solves complex problems and makes decisions that have wider corporate impact
- Strategic thinking and organizational development - Staff in management and / or strategic leadership roles
- Team working - Fosters a cohesive team environment

Education :

Level - Advanced university degree from an accredited institution in a technically relevant area from an accredited institution listed on https : / / www.whed.net / home.php

Areas - Agriculture / rural development; economics (agricultural / natural resource / environmental economics, behavioural economics, development economics, trade, etc.); finance, business management, marketing or commerce, agricultural engineering, and other agriculture specializations

- Note : For internal candidates, this requirement will be assessed in line with the provisions set forth in IFAD’s Human Resources Implementing Procedures.

Experience :

- At least ten (10) years of progressively responsible professional experience in and demonstrated understanding of, development investment projects and interventions in the field of markets and value chains development, of which at least 3 of the 10 years of experience should be at the international level.
- Proven experience in the design and coordination of pro-poor value chain development projects leveraging on innovative solutions to emerging issues, including the use of digital / ICT solutions, working with the private sector and developing value chain financing instruments / initiatives and other forms of collaborations with the private sector.
- Experience in designing and implementing value chain financing schemes and public private parterships is an advantage;
- Three (3) years in a multi-cultural organization or national organization providing support on a global scope.

Position-specific experience :

- Experience in international policy frameworks related to global issues is an asset.

Languages :

- Required English and Spanish (4 – Excellent)
- Desirable : French, or Arabic (3 – Good)
- Position-specific requirement : both oral and writing excellent language skills are needed

Skills :

- Specialized communication skills : Technical know-how relevant to the specific communication role considered (e.g. communication planning, building and maintaining media relations, video production, publishing, web and other digital media, graphic design, visual identity, brand management, internal communication and events management)
- Climate Finance : Finance that aims at reducing emissions, and enhancing sinks of greenhouse gases and aims at reducing vulnerability of, and maintaining and increasing the resilience of, human and ecological systems to negative climate change impacts
- Evidence-based policy : Know-how in the formulation of concrete and actionable policy recommendations based on hard evidence (going beyond simple data interpretation)
- Advocacy : Ability to leverage IFAD knowledge and / or communication materials to maintain and promote constructive dialogue around IFAD`s vision and strategic priorities to external actors
- Risk management (e.g. reputational) : Identification and assessment of potential liabilities and risks in IFAD's activities, particularly vis-à-vis third parties; ability to handle risks via contingency and mitigation strategies
- Stakeholder management : Strong alignment capabilities and consultation skills, building on effective interactions and relationships with different stakeholders (e.g. for the co-creation of communication material with member states) and ability to build and maintain a strong network (e.g. with journalists, media outlets, etc.)
- Strategy implementation : Ability to lead and manage the development and implementation of medium to longer-term strategies for IFAD / for respective divisions
- Resources management : Know-how in the management of human, financial and material management of IFAD resources
- Adaptability : Adaptability and flexibility when facing new or unexpected situations, and to specific constraints and circumstances and managing complex processes
- Business acumen, private sector knowledge : Outstanding ability to synthesize and simplify complex technical information for a variety of (non-technical) audiences
- Confidentiality & Discretion : Establishes self and division as trusted advisor to internal stakeholders by maintaining high level of discretion and confidentiality in assignments; demonstrates sound judgement when dealing with sensitive and / or confidential matters; drives good governance and is a "Culture Carrier" demonstrating IFAD institutional conscience through his / her work.
- Interpersonal skills : Ability to deal patiently and tactfully with others (e.g. visitors, clients, callers, etc.), including senior individuals (e.g. high-level meeting participants)
- Leadership : Group thought leader, sought out by others and providing mentorship and effective guidance to others; Ability to build trust, inside and outside the organization by acting as a role model for IFAD's core values and competencies, and to provide a clear sense of direction, mentorship and effective guidance to the team, strategizing the IFAD's goals, giving the vision, empowering the team and ensuring a positive environment for all.
- Synthesis : Outstanding ability to synthesize and simplify complex technical information for a variety of (non-technical) audiences
- Verbal communication : Clear, succinct and convincing verbal communication; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic language
- Written communication : Clear, succinct and convincing written communication in the language needed for specific role; highly professional, balanced and diplomatic language (e.g. for drafting of position papers, briefings, etc.)
- Programme / Project development, management : Know-how in Programme / Project development, implementation, management
- Markets & Value Chains : Relevant topical expertise in market thematic area of work (e.g. financial services, rural markets and enterprises, rural institutions and the full agriculture value chain (including actors in food processing)
- Private Sector Investment : Expertise in assessing private sector investment proposals, review of transactions and complex facilities and interventions using regular and blended finance, conducting due diligence, and recommending financial / investment decisions accordingly; Proven expertise in deploying financial instruments

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